How Frequently Should Measuring Instruments Be Calibrated?

All test instruments must be calibrated to guarantee that their results meet the manufacturer’s specifications. Every measuring tool must adhere to a set standard to maintain its safety and precision in every application.

Every instrument has its own standards and specifications that must be met during the process of calibration. Fortunately, Canada’s trusted calibration companies provide reliable services so you have peace of mind that your testing equipment is accurate.

To keep these instruments performing reliably, calibration must be completed every 6 months or annually based on the type of instrument, the industry, and how frequently it’s used.

Let’s take a closer look at calibration and how often it should be performed.

What is the Purpose of Calibration?

The process of calibration is meant to compare a measurement tool or instrument with its own measurement standard, This ensures the validity of the relationship between the parameters or scores that are produced by the instrument and the standard.

The reason that you should perform calibration is because instruments, particularly testing or measuring equipment, do not hold their accuracy over extended periods.

You cannot perform tests and use these tools in manufacturing if they are unreliable. It will lead to costly mistakes and place consumers at risk owing to defective products from pharmaceuticals to electronics.

Only with expert calibration services Toronto businesses, manufacturers, and production facilities can rest assured that reliable and accurate tools are delivered.

How Frequently Should You Calibrate Instruments?

The frequency of instrument calibration depends on a multitude of factors. This includes the type of instrument and the manufacturer’s standards.

These types of instruments can be calibrated every month or once a year depending on the specifications provided by the calibrations provider.

The performance of critical applications will require calibration more often than other testing equipment. It is recommended that non-critical instruments be calibrated at least once a year.

If you are uncertain as to how often you need to calibrate equipment, it is best to speak to a dedicated and experienced calibration services provider. Industry professionals have the qualifications and the knowledge to ensure that your measuring equipment performs consistently and optimally.

For safety reasons and to remain in compliance with international standards for testing equipment, speak to a trusted provider for assistance. Professionals can determine the frequency of calibration along with the type of processes that must be applied.

This way, you’ll have peace of mind that operational equipment is working as it should


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